International Working Group

The International Working Group primarily deals with topics that extend beyond Estonia, as decisions made at the international level also impact students here. These topics include the European Higher Education Area and the Bologna Process, the European Union’s education policy, mobility programs, and the broader international student representation movement. The Federation of Estonian Student Unions (EÜL) implements its international policy mainly through various associations. EÜL is a member of the European Students’ Union (ESU), the Nordic student unions network (NOM), the Baltic student unions network (BOM), and various temporary committees.

Note! International students without Estonian language skills are welcome to join the working group. However, proficiency in English is mandatory, as many working documents are in English.

Opportunities in the working group

Expectations for the Working Group

Main Events


Gizem Oğuz

Anette-Mai Pirk-Birk

Kärt Kaasik-Aaslav

Anna Didyk

Erle Neeme



Katariina Järve